
What is the world but a big ol’ basket?

  • A short rant about food in books.

    TW: eating disorders I’m recovering from an eating disorder. I struggled with bulimia, and while I have been in therapy and am on medication to help regulate those behaviors, it’s still a part of my life that I have to actively tussle with. One day, I hope to be free of it, but for now,…

    Read More: A short rant about food in books.
  • Why I Read

    When I was in third grade, my school had a reading challenge. Each student was meant to read somewhere around fifty books throughout the school year. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, third-grade me decided this was her chance to rebel, and she decided she was not going to read the fifty books. There were more…

    Read More: Why I Read

I’m glad you’re here! 🙂

Inspired by the joy that comes from the small things, Cat-in-a-Basket hopes to inspire you the way that small, comfortable containers inspire cats.